In addition to making sure that your products do what they say they will, your bathroom should also be clean. Yes—it doesn’t matter if you’re selling hot dogs or escargot, everyone likes a clean bathroom. If the first rule is “Have integrity”, then the second rule is “Have integrity everywhere.” Make sure your bathroom’s clean. “But websites don’t have bathrooms,” I hear you say. That’s true—but they have other things, things like words, and the words (like the bathroom) should be paid attention to, no matter what your product is.
My friend’s father likes to say, “Everything has everything to do with everything.” I agree with him. I think that no matter what business you’re in, your bathroom should be clean. No matter what products you’re trying to sell, there shouldn’t be any typos on your website. Details are small but important things. If someone neglects to dot an i or cross a t, or confuses ‘your’ with ‘you’re’, ‘it’s’ with ‘its’ or ‘loose’ with ‘lose’, then I start to distrust them a little bit, and you probably do too. Now, not everyone needs to be a perfect speller or a fabulous grammarian themselves, but they do need to convince me that they care about the quality of the things that are within their control, and paying attention to apostrophes is one way to do this. If they let a spelling mistake slip into their sales brochure, then maybe they let an ant into one of their apple pies. Show me that you care about all of the details that I can see and I’ll be foolish enough to believe that you’ve taken care of all of the details that I can’t see.