My son is learning how to ride a bike and we were sort of anxious about taking the training wheels off until my wife’s cousin told us how he did it with his daughters. He said, “Just take him to a grassy hill that goes slightly downhill. Then he can just use the gravity of …
Author Archives: Mitch
Not my problem, or…
There were many posters at Facebook that I liked. One was a poster that said, “Nothing at Facebook is someone else’s problem”. Don’t ignore it. Just fix it. “If you see something, say something,” becomes “If you see something, do something.”
Be a wish.
Mark Cuban said in an interview that no one ever does a Make-A-Wish to go attend a corporate Google meeting. It would be nice if what we did inspired others so much that they wanted to be part of it. When others make a wish, try to be the wish.
Fix your wins
I watched a poker vlog where the commentator player won the hand but then said that maybe he could have won more money by having made a bigger bet. He won, but he missed out. To improve, you can fix your losses. And: You can fix your wins. If it ain’t broke, fix it.
Bad things happen out of the blue
Sad but true: Bad things will happen to you. Things you don’t deserve. Things you didn’t initiate. Things you sometimes cannot stop. Do what you can do. Fight the good fight.
When I’m tired, I eat.
I know, it makes no sense. Tired people should sleep, not eat. But when you’re tired, things make no sense. And eating is faster than sleeping.
What time is it?
When you wake up on the weekend, do you check to see what time it is? I do. But why? I’m not late for anything. It won’t make me any more or less tired or more or less hungry. It’s an odd habit, and I’m not sure what it’s for. Maybe it’s time to change.
Your #1 Priority
As you tackle your list of things to do, you might start with the most important thing first, your #1 priority, and then move on to the second most important thing and then the third most important thing. That makes sense. But it’s worth noting that at some point, your 7th most important thing has …
What is the downside?
Everything has an upside and downside. Fries taste good but they don’t make you healthier. Raw kale is healthy but you might not like the way it tastes. New cars are shiny and in pristine condition but they’re more expensive and they depreciate faster. Used cars are better value, but they’re not shiny and new …
What are you playing?
The other day I was in a video conference meeting and my kids came in at different times and they both looked at my computer screen full of my coworkers faces and asked me, “What are you playing?” To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. To a kid, everything looks like play. They missed …