Speaking different languages

We have a toy robot that operates in different languages. I pressed the language button, not knowing what it did, and it started speaking Japanese instead of English. It also speaks French, Spanish, and German. 

Sometimes it’s obvious when someone starts speaking a different language to you, and sometimes, it’s not. 

Legalese looks a lot like English but it often takes a lawyer to write and interpret it. 

Emotional intelligence is being well versed in things other than words. 

The idea of different several love languages refers to the different ways people feel loved, for example, by when they hear the words “I love you”, or when they receive a gift. Giving a gift to someone who needs to hear the words may not convey love to that person, and vice versa. 

I’d say that there are other languages too, based on what the conversation is really about. Is the issue really about money, or is it about respect? Is it about the letter of the law or its spirit? 

If you’re speaking the wrong language and you keep speaking that language, then you might not ever be understood.