Everything I Needed to Know about Business I Learned from Surfing (#2): Every little thing you do makes a difference.

Some watercraft are more responsive than others. You can jump up and down on a cruise ship, punch it, jackhammer it. The ocean will ever know. On a rowboat, it makes a difference which side you sit on. On a surfboard, you will wobble if you sneeze. On a short surfboard, you will rise with each inhalation because the air in your lungs makes you more buoyant. The smaller the surfboard, the faster and sharper you can turn. 

Starting a business is like being on a small surfboard. When you’re the only one, you are the CEO, the janitor, the lead designer, and the customer service team. This is good and bad. No one’s good at everything and you will quickly become aware of what you’re not good at or don’t like to do. But the good thing about it, overall, is that you are now in an environment where every little thing you do makes a difference. You feel everything. Your successes and your failures are all your own, and you are in a better position to learn and adjust. You can turn a small surfboard much faster than a cruise ship. It’s liberating and a little terrifying.