Free secrets

What they don’t tell you. 

My wife grew up working in her family’s cafe and they made hash browns and I love hash browns but they never taste like the restaurant’s hash browns and I asked her how they made them and she said they parboiled the potatoes the day before, then put them in the fridge and grated them the next day. I wouldn’t have thought to do that.

One time I went surfing with my friend and I forgot to bring some my container of water to rinse off with. I borrowed my friend’s water and discovered to my delight that it was warm. It was like the difference between a warm shower and a cold shower and I’ve carried warm water with me ever since. But I never would have known that his water was warm just by looking at it. 

I watched a surfing video that recommended when you turtle a longboard (put it on top and you on the bottom) to get past the whitewater of a broken wave more easily, that you could also do a frog leg kick while you’re under water, and this would keep you moving forward. I never would have thought to do that, and I never would have seen someone do that because it’s hard to see people underwater. 

What are they not telling you?